Rates are down and deals are a-plenty!

  As the family and I squeeze every last drop out of summer we've been loving spending time with all of you! The questions I've been getting this month? "Is now an ok time to {Insert Buy or Sell}? I think there's some skepticism that comes national news, but as we all know, real estate is local and here's what I'm seeing!  Rates have actually decreased by a full point! Many...


It's time to wax your planks because Ski Season is right around the corner!!! Lots of us have young kids these days so I thought I'd give you guys my playbook on how to have fun skiing with the family this winter.  Ski Pass Deals For Kids In ElementryEpic School Kids Colorado Pass - This pass is FREE and includes several days for kids K-5 at each of the vail resorts. GET THE PASS...

You Don’t have to Pay 7% Interest

Here's the inside scoop...None of my clients are paying 7% interest on their mortgages right now. They are almost unanimously using 5/1 Adjustable rate mortgages, which yesterday were locking at 5.5%. That means you pay 5.5% for 5 Years, then after that the rate will adjust up (or down) once per year for the remainder of the loan. Why would I want to do that Rob??? GREAT QUESTION - any good lender...

The Green Grass Effect

Sellers often tell me they want their grass to green up before selling their homes. Believe it or not, the best time to list your home for the last several years has been in February, March, and April...before the grass gets green! Why is this? Buyers return to house hunting in February while most Sellers wait until June to bring their homes to market. Check out the graph...

NoCo Home Report!

NoCo Home Report!  As most of you know, January is my annual nerd out on all the Market Statistics, and the Noco Home Report is off to print! So now that I’ve had a chance to synthesize all the data I thought I’d share my big takeaways with you and at the end, I’ll tell you the 4 opportunities I see in this market.  My biggest takeaway is this: Here in Northern Colorado we just...

Our Vendor List!

Need a Painter or someone to tune up the Furnace? Here is our approved list of awesome local business owners around NoCo! GUTTER CLEANING Let There Be Light 970-402-1840 United Window Cleaning 970-430-0548/ FALL LANDSCAPE CLEANUP Yard Elves 970-224-5369 Haugen Landscape...


It's time to wax your planks because Ski Season is right around the corner!!! Lots of us have young kids these days so I thought I'd give you guys my playbook on how to have fun skiing with the family this winter.  CHEAP // FREE SKI PASSES FOR THE KIDS Epic School Kids Colorado Pass - This pass is FREE and includes several days for kids K-5 at each of the vail resorts. GET THE PASS...

What we learned renting our property

So much has changed since I was in professional property management! Here's a quick video on how we found and screened tenants for our Fort Collins Investment Property. Here is a link to the screening app we used - www.Turbotenant.com. They do more than tenant screening and I've liked working with them. If you're an investor and you have additional tips I would love if you could comment below so this is a...

Skills That You Can Learn In The Real Estate Market

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